What Is the First Consecutive Odd Integer That Follows 7

An even number has parity 0 0 because the remainder upon division by 2 2 is 0 0 , while an odd number has parity 1 1 because the remainder upon division by 2 2 is 1 1 . For example, 0 , 2 , 4 , 10 , 6 0,2,4,10,-6 are all even numbers because they leave a remainder of 0 upon division by 2 2 . The integers 1 , 3 , 5 , 11 , 7 1,3,5,11,-7 are all odd numbers because they leave a remainder of 1 upon division by 2 2 .

Every integer is either even or odd, and no integer is both even and odd. This includes 0, which is even.

Figure out whether 1729 is an odd or even number.

Since the remainder obtained on dividing 1729 by 2 is 1, 1729 is an odd number.

OR \text{OR}

The number 1729 ends with the digit "9." Thus it is an odd number. _\square

Figure out whether 1000 is an odd or even number.

Since the remainder obtained on dividing 1000 by 2 is 0, 1000 is an even number.

OR \text{OR}

The number 1000 ends with the digit "0." Thus it is an even number. _\square

(a) (b) (c) None of the above

Which of the following is true about the number 163 ? -163?

(a) It is an odd number.
(b) It is an even number.
(c) It is neither an odd nor an even number.

How many of the following 10 numbers are even integers?

0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 1 , 5.0 , 2.4 , 2 × 2 , 2 × 3.5 , 2 2 \begin{array} {rrrrr} 0, && 1, &&-2, &&3, &&-1, \\ 5.0, &&-2.4, &&2 \times 2, &&-2 \times 3.5, &&\frac{2}{2} \end{array}

Is the number 2222452122 odd or even?

The last digit is 2, and 2 is an even number. So, 2222452122 is an even number. _\square

The following are the parity properties of even and odd numbers:

  1. even ± \pm even = even
  2. odd ± \pm odd=even
  3. even ± \pm odd= odd
  4. even × \times even= even
  5. even × \times odd= even
  6. odd × \times odd= odd

These properties are often useful for testing whether an equality is false by using the parity rules of arithmetic to see whether both sides have the same parity. The application of these rules becomes clear through the following examples and problems:

If n n is an integer, what is the parity of 2 n + 2 ? 2n+2?

Since n n is an integer, n + 1 n+1 is also an integer. Then, 2 n + 2 = 2 ( n + 1 ) + 0 2n+2 = 2(n+1) + 0 shows that the parity of 2 n + 2 2n+2 is 0 , 0, which implies 2 n + 2 2n+2 is always an even number. _\square

Is the number ( 47630750675 + 453407032 ) × 549068453 \left(47630750675+453407032\right) \times 549068453 even or odd?

To answer this question, it would be unwise to actually multiply out these numbers. Instead, we can apply the properties of even and odd numbers.

Since 47630750675 47630750675 ends in a 5, it is odd. On the other hand, since 453407032 453407032 ends in a 2, it is even. By property 3, even ± \pm odd= odd, so 47630750675 + 453407032 47630750675+453407032 is odd. Since that sum is being multiplied by 549068453 , 549068453, which is odd, the entire number is odd since property 6 gives odd × \times odd= odd. _\square

Here are some problems to try.

b a b-a a + b a+b a b ab a b -ab

If a a is a negative odd number and b b is a positive even number, then which of the following must be a positive even number?

always odd always even even or odd, depending on the values of a a and b b

Given that a a and b b are integers, the expression

( a 2 + a + 7 ) × ( 2 b + 1 ) (a^2+a+7) \times (2b+1)

is __________ . \text{\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_}.

It is even It is odd It is even if x x is even It is even if y y is even It is even if x y xy is negative

Let x x and y y be integers. If x + y x + y is odd, which of the following is true about ( x + y ) 2 + x y ? (x+y)^{2}+xy?

Here are the examples and problems motivated to enhance the problem-solving skills based on the parity of odd and even numbers. Go thorough them to achieve the objectives of this section.

If a a and b b are integers, what is the parity of a × b ? a \times b?

We know that an odd number multiplied by an odd number remains odd, an even number multiplied by an odd number is even, and an even number multiplied by an even number is even. This can be summarized as

( Parity of a ) × ( Parity of b ) = ( Parity of a b ) . ( \mbox{Parity of } a ) \times ( \mbox{Parity of } b ) = (\mbox{Parity of } ab). \ _\square

Let P P be the product of the first 100 prime numbers. What is the parity of P ? P?

We see that the first prime number is 2, which is even. The rest of the 99 prime numbers are all odd. The product of these 99 primes will be an integer, say k k . Multiplying an even number by another integer always gives an even number; so we can write P P as 2 k 2 k . Dividing P P by 2 does not leave a remainder, and therefore P P is even. _\square

If k k is an integer, which of the following is always even?

A. 2 k + 1 \ 2k + 1
B. k 2 \ k^2
C. 4 k + 4 \ 4k + 4
D. k 2 1 \ k^2 -1

A is always odd for any k k .
B is odd whenever k k is odd.
D is odd whenever k k is even.

C can be rewritten as 4 k + 4 = 2 ( 2 k + 2 ) + 0 4k+4 = 2(2k+2) +0 , which means the remainder upon division by 2 2 is always 0. 0. Thus, 4 k + 4 4k+4 is always even, showing the correct answer is C. _\square

If k k is an integer, what is the parity of k 2 + k ? k^2 + k?

Observe that k 2 + k = k ( k + 1 ) , k^2 + k = k (k+1), where k k and ( k + 1 ) (k+1) have different parity. Then by the arithmetic rules of parity, the parity of k ( k + 1 ) k(k+1) is 0 0 . _\square

Can an even number, divided by another even number, times another even number ever equal an odd number?

If "yes," then find three numbers that work.
If "no," then why not?

Note that the three even numbers can be different numbers.

For integers x x and y y , show that x 2 + y 2 2 + x + y 2 \frac{{x}^{2}+{y}^{2}}{2}+\frac{x+y}{2} is also an integer.

Rewriting the expression as x 2 + x 2 + y 2 + y 2 , \frac{x^2 + x } { 2} + \frac{ y^2 + y}{2}, we will show that for any integer n n , n 2 + n 2 \frac{n^2 + n } { 2} is also an integer.

This follows because n 2 + n = n ( n + 1 ) n^2 + n = n (n+1) , which is the product of 2 2 consecutive integers. Since one of these integers is even, the product is even. Thus, when we divide n 2 + n n^2 + n by 2 , 2, we will obtain an integer. _\square

Try the following problems:

Odd for all values of a a and b b Even for all values of a a and b b Even for exactly 1 value of a a and 1 value of b b Odd for exactly 1 value of a a and 2 values of b b

Given that a a and b b are integers, what can we conclude about the expression

( a 2 + a + 2011 ) ( 2 b + 1 ) ? \big( { a }^{ 2 }+a+2011 \big) ( 2b+1 ) ?

The product of the digits in 38 is even because 3 × 8 = 24. 3\times 8 = 24. Similarly, the product of the digits in 57 is odd because 5 × 7 = 35. 5 \times 7 = 35.

How many 2-digit numbers have an odd product?

As n n ranges over all real values in the interval [ 0 , 100 ] [0, 100] , how many values of n n are there such that 4 n + 1 4n+ 1 is an odd integer?

For further applications of parity in combinatorics, see Parity - Intermediate.

  • Prime Numbers

  • Divisiblity Rules (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19,...)

  • Remainder

  • Prime Factorization

What Is the First Consecutive Odd Integer That Follows 7

Source: https://brilliant.org/wiki/even-and-odd-numbers/

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